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. 5 teams from the American continent got their pass for the Overwatch World Cup 2023. 

. The transmission reached almost 3 million spectators around the world.  

The past few days were once again full of emotion and commitment thanks to Ace Esports League taking part in the organization, production and transmission of the America zone matches where the participants for the Overwatch World Cup 2023 were determined. The match will take place in October in the United States.  

Overwatch is one of the most popular and important franchises on the current gaming scene and integrates one of the most ambitious esports competition circuits in the world. In this international event, promoted by Blizzard, where teams from Europe and Asia also competed in their respective areas, included two groups from the American continent. America A was made up of Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the United States; and America B included Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.  

The transmission of this exciting competition where the five teams from the American continent were decided reached a total of 2,984,032 viewers around the world. In the America A zone, the United States took first place, Canada second place and Mexico third place. The America B group had Colombia in first place and Brazil in second.  

Toda la emoción de este torneo fue narrada por reconocidos casters. En español la responsabilidad estuvo a cargo de LadyHary, Zarra, Colt, Ampere y Shebba mientras que en inglés las acciones fueron narradas por BiggHungry, Jamerson, ChefBilly, Dustin, Ash y Gottmoxi.  

The winning teams from this successful six-day transmission will take part in the Overwatch World Cup 2023, which will receive players from 16 countries, to determine who is the best player of the game that, in its latest version, has reached more than 35 million players around the world.  

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