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We are pleased to announce the return of the Café de los 15 in 2024! This valuable initiative not only promotes integration among our employees, but also encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences that are key to our collective growth.

Under the direction of our General Director, Gustavo M. de la Garza Flores, these sessions will be held every 3 months in two different modalities:

  • Merit-based group of employees: Personally selected by their managers for their dedication and exceptional contributions, this group represents the exceptional within our organization.
  • New Collaborators Group: Composed of new team members, this group brings a fresh and diverse perspective to strengthen our bond and enrich our discussions.

* Both groups are looking for a diverse representation of business areas and business units *

For one hour, in order to strengthen the synergy between the teams and to promote an atmosphere of integration, our CEO will interact with the participants, answering questions and discussing various topics.

Keep an eye on your inbox so you don't miss the opportunity to attend Café de los 15 and be part of this enriching experience of growing together!

In addition, so that you can know the excitement of the first edition of the Café de los 15, 2024 (Group of Employees by Merit), held on February 19, we leave you a video summary with the welcome and the highlights of this meeting. Do not miss it!

CAFÉ DE LOS 15 (Merit-based Collaborators Group) 19 FEBRUARY:

CAFÉ DE LOS 15 (New Collaborators Group) 22 FEBRUARY:

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