Vívaro family Prime

Extraordinary Women Take Part In International Forum    

More than 70 female collaborators from the different Vívaro business units took part in the First Vívaro Extraordinary Women International Forum

Through a session in Microsoft Teams, women from all the countries where we have presence, shared their opinions and proposed solutions on issues such as work environment, empowerment, women's health, maternity, and safety. 

Our female colleagues mentioned how all these areas are considered in their professional lives. They also raised practical solutions and contributed ideas to eradicate sensitive areas of opportunity.  

Las participantes agradecieron por este espacio brindado para expresar su sentir, porque sólo reuniones como estas permiten conocerse y empatizar entre ellas.  

At the end of March, the results of the forum will be presented in a meeting, to which all the company's personnel will be invited. The main goal is to make known the extraordinary contribution of women in the Vívaro community, which is transcendental and key to the development of each one of our businesses. 

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